Jackson's Chiropractic Acupuncture & Rehabilitation Center
1458 Copley Road
Akron OH 44320
Phone 330 836-8661
Each year millions of Americans suffer from job related
injuries such as:
1. Low back pain
2. “Pinched nerves”
3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
4. Ankle, knee and shoulder injuries
These and other job related injuries are treated everyday at Jackson’s
Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center.
Our goal is to get the injured worker back on the job as
soon as possible. We go one step further by also trying to
help the patient understand how and why he got injured and
show him or her ways of possibly preventing any future
This prevention aspect of our treatment programs is really
appreciated by the injured worker’s employer because it
saves them a lot in lost time and in retraining employees.
Matthew Gajkowski, D.C., D.A.C.R.B.
Board Certified in Rehabilitation
Member of the Ohio BWC Alternate Resolution/Disability Evaluators Panel
Certified Worker’s Compensation Provider